
The CARDS of TRUTH Companion COURSEs

for the Inner Work Aficionado

4 Modules x 10 weeks:

  • Truth (Spades),
  • Love (Hearts),
  • Inspiration (Clubs),
  • Purpose (Diamonds)


These courses are designed to take you to Joy. As part of a fun, supportive, safe, like-minded group of people, we will immerse ourselves into a series of inner-work tools that yield results as opposed to meandering around aimlessly. I hope, with these courses, to help you and guide you towards clearing away some of the traps that pseudo-spirituality and mass psycho-babbling promote out there nowadays.  We will, for each module, spend together 10 weeks, following a path of self-discovery, so that each of us can pick ourselves up from wherever we’ve been stagnating or from wherever our personal road feels like less than peace and that, for each part of our experience: inner-development, relationships, career and finances/worth.

The experience of a course like this can be a once in a lifetime fun, positive, illuminating experience where we can intimately understand what unites us and what makes us different from one another, but mostly, it can be a moment of profound AH-HA with regards to how we can enhance our day-to-day life. Wherever you are on your path at this particular moment, participating in this course is a clear sign that your life experience is just about to get better, more rewarding and more authentic.

One of the challenges of the 21st century is a meaningful connection - either with ourselves, with others or with the planet.  These courses are an amazing tool to uncover what stands in the way of you becoming an inspiring and an inspired link in this amazing chain we call Life.

These courses will be Profound, Dynamic and Rewarding. There is no better way to get to know yourself and to instantly feel connected to others.

To explain my tools in a manner that makes sense and is easy and fun to follow and to implement, I have chosen the Cards of Truth system – implemented and developed by my friend, Ernst Wilhelm – because I feel it is as good as any other map of creation that is currently out there, a map that allows to structure and to guide one through the meanders of what humans experience on this planet. The Cards of Truth is an amazing tool!!! That being said, in my view, any tool, no matter how valuable, is to be used exclusively as a support for self-awareness and self-development. I am not saying this in order to minimize in any way the value of this tool or any others’, but because this course is about challenging, opening up, destroying any and all forms of concepts you might hold true so that you can make space for your own inner wisdom that will allow you to authentically live as the unique manifestation that you are.

These courses are a product of my own lengthy experience with both working with people and of serious, committed, fearless inner work that I have adapted here into a system that has proven its value and continues to do so in many wonderful ways for me and the people who work with me. You don’t need to believe in the Cards of Truth system and you don’t need to learn about cards, although you will learn a lot about cards if you chose to place some of your focus there. What you do need, however, if you have chosen to participate in this group, is to set a clear intention to be open to challenging what you think you know about life and about yourself and to experientially join us in trying out the tools that I offer here, regardless of how painful, frustrating, humbling or scary it might all become!! This is a course where we will reveal the least known, the least accepted parts of ourselves that keep blocking our authenticity, our Joy and, ultimately, our experience of what life can be.

Ayla's Book of Truth