This page is a Thank You to people who played an earth-shaking role in my life. They were, in some way, part of my worst and best moments. These specks of God have shared my most blissful moments and cradled me through the darkest steps of my soul-searching journey.

    "Your Heart is the light of the world. Don't cover it with your mind"

- Mooji



 "If anyone sat down and contemplated their psyche, in an effort to understand and analyse what is inside themselves, what are their actions and reactions, their feelings, the way they are functioning in the world, at any time in creation, in any culture of the world, they would come up with a picture of the Arcana.

So we can safely say that the origin of the Arcana cards is the human psyche.

It is THAT simple."

- Ernst Wilhelm


 "Imagine for a moment a scene: one of a little mountain stream which is tumbling down a hillside gully, not far from its source. It has been raining and so the level is quite high. Consider in your mind's eye, if you can, how it flows to the right over a little rock (where, had the level been lower, it would probably have gone around the rock), then the flow goes to the left over a tree bow, and then slows a little in a broader place, before splashing over a small cascade into a pool, and so on down the mountainside. Does it choose any of its directions? Is it even really a separate entity different from the water deposited in it, the rocks, the depressions in the ground, the grass, weather conditions etc? Is it even the same entity moment by moment, or is it more the product of environmental conditions and water, like an ever-changing pattern?"

- Mark Marshall