Firefly Create a striking visual metaphor for unflinching self-confrontation. The core of the image

SHADOW MIRRORS: A Five-Session Journey into Radical Truth

There comes a point in every soul's journey when the ordinary ways of being no longer serve the extraordinary force of life moving through you. You begin to sense that something primal, something powerful, is awakening—no longer just a desire for change, but a bone-deep knowing that you were born for more than mere existence.

Shadow Mirrors is an intensive journey designed for those ready to shatter their illusions and step into the raw truth of their existence. This five-session journey will progressively dismantle the architecture of your self-deception, so you can forge a new relationship with your deepest reality.


Breaking Ground with Brutal Honesty

  • Initial deep dive into your current patterns of avoidance
  • Identification of your most sophisticated self-deceptions
  • Mapping the cost of your current compromises
  • Setting the foundation for radical truth-telling

In this first encounter, we begin the process of dismantling your comfortable illusions and set the sacred container for radical transformation.


Mining the Gold in Your Darkness

  • Deep exploration of your shadow aspects
  • Uncovering the hidden wisdom in what you've rejected
  • Revealing the power trapped in your denied parts
  • Transforming shame into sovereign awareness

Here we enter the territories you've carefully avoided, finding the medicine hidden in your darkest corners, and unlock the wisdom buried there.


Breaking Your Sacred Cages

  • Identifying your core survival strategies
  • Exposing how your 'protection' is your prison
  • Dismantling your favorite escape routes
  • Confronting the true price of your patterns

This session brings you face to face with the sophisticated ways you've kept yourself small and safe, so we can finally release those limiting behaviors.


Surrender into Truth

  • Confronting your carefully crafted identities
  • Releasing the stories that no longer serve
  • Facing the void beneath your constructs
  • Allowing old ways of being to die

We facilitate the necessary deaths—releasing the identities and stories that must fall away for your truth to emerge, creating space for your authentic self.


Rising from the Ashes

  • Integration of shadow aspects
  • Reclaiming your denied power
  • Establishing new patterns of radical honesty
  • Forging a new relationship with truth

The final session focuses on rebuilding from the ashes of what we've dismantled, but this time from unshakeable truth and a renewed sense of power.

This Journey Requires:

  • Absolute commitment to facing yourself
  • Willingness to be wrong about everything
  • Courage to face what you've been running from
  • Readiness to die to who you think you are

Between Sessions:

  • Intensive self-reflection assignments
  • Shadow work practices
  • Truth-telling exercises
  • Pattern interruption challenges


This work demands everything – your full presence, your complete honesty, your willingness to be undone and remade. The financial investment reflects the depth and intensity of this transformation.

Important Note: Due to the intense nature of this work, an initial consultation is required to ensure readiness and alignment. Not everyone is prepared for this level of truth at every point in their journey. I reserve the right to decline or postpone this work if I sense it would be harmful rather than transformative.

Are You Ready to Stand Naked Before the Mirror of Your Deepest Truth?

Sessions are spaced 2-3 weeks apart to allow for integration and deep processing of the material that surfaces.

Is This Journey Right for You?

As you read through this offer, it’s important to reflect on where you are on your path and whether this journey aligns with your current growth. Shadow Mirrors is an invitation to face your deepest truths, and we can meet you exactly where you are in your journey. Here’s how this transformative work aligns with different stages of your personal evolution:

For the Seeker

You’ve felt the stirrings of something greater inside you, but you’re unsure how to move forward. You might not yet have fully faced your shadow or dealt with the self-deceptions that have kept you stuck. Shadow Mirrors is for those who are ready to break through avoidance and uncover the truths buried deep within. Through these five sessions, we’ll help you confront what you’ve been running from and begin your deep transformation. This is where you’ll start to take your first steps toward radical honesty.

For the Rebel

You’ve already started some inner work, but the patterns of resistance are still strong. You might be beginning to uncover your shadow, but breaking through those old survival strategies feels like a challenge. Shadow Mirrors is for those who are ready to confront their self-imposed limits and break through the protective walls they’ve built. If you’re tired of holding back and ready to confront the discomfort that comes with truth, this journey will help you dismantle the self-deceptions that have been keeping you small.

For the Phoenix

You’re done with playing small. The time has come to shed your old ways and embrace your full, untamed power. You know there is more to you than what you’ve allowed the world to see. Shadow Mirrors is for those who are prepared to let go of their false identities, die to who they thought they were, and step into their true essence. If you’re ready for profound transformation, where your old self is burned away, leaving only your authentic truth, this is the journey for you.

For the Alchemist

You’ve already been doing the work of shadow integration and healing, but something inside you is craving the next level of transformation. You’re ready to go deeper, to confront the final layers of self-deception that still bind you. Shadow Mirrors is for those who are ready to complete the final steps of their alchemical process, fully integrating their shadow and stepping into their most powerful, truthful self. This is where you’ll reclaim the denied parts of you and fully rise into your authenticity.

By reflecting on where you are in your journey and considering which stage resonates with you, you can better determine if Shadow Mirrors is the transformative journey you’re ready to step into. Are you ready to face yourself, shatter your illusions, and embrace your deepest truths?