We are all goofballs burning our karma. 🙂
The more you are searching, the further you roam.
The more you think you are right, the more you distance yourself from rightness.
The more you think you see, the more blind you are.
The more you look outside for answers and for drama and for stuff and for people to blame and to judge, the more delusional you are.
Your righteousness is your prison and your misery.
While you are busily engaged in some external drama, your children and your child-self are BEGGING to be loved. You are only raising a pain bigger and stronger than your own. Your righteousness, your so-called truth, is only defaulting the counter position of someone else’s. That is is. You are, by default, a No to other No’s.
The more healing you are looking for, the sicker you become. The more you think you are some type of a healer, the more your ego has highjacked your experience and is dancing on your grave.
Are you getting offended? Does your breath feel the labor? Do you have a sudden urge to click this post away?
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Being poor is not having. Not having truths, not having opinions, not having preferences… not judging this thing good and that thing bad. Being poor is being unattached. Being poor is looking like a fool to others. The sane ones 😀
Being poor is being free. Being poor means letting go. It means constantly challenging your truths until none of them stands up. Being poor means not believing in anything. There is no validity and no value in anything at all. Vanity of vanities! All is vanity!!
Do you think you have a purpose? Are you one of the God’s soldiers? Are you a someone doing that thing your mind is wanting to do? Seriously? Have you ever questioned your thoughts? Have you ever looked if you own them?
When you are talking with Ego, with the individual persona, it – the Ego – will either like it and continue its indulging in the delusion it was raised upon, or HATE it and reject you, its enemy, its destroyer, its crusher as you being the fool and it, being the truth…
When you are, when you find yourself as being the central point of this bubble of love, when everything and anything that exists – that ever existed and ever will exist – has a place in you, you are Home. You can then play life. You can pretend you are a healer. You can pretend you are a mother or a husband or a lover or a worker… you can pretend everything you like. It’s all pretending. And it’s Beautiful.